When it comes to smartphones, there’s no denying that the iPhone is one of the most popular devices worldwide. With its sleek design and high-performing features, it’s a go-to choice for many. However, like any other device, it’s not immune to damage, particularly screen damage. In this post, we aim to debunk some common myths about iPhone screen replacement.

Myth 1: Replacing iPhone Screen is Expensive

One of the most prevalent misconceptions is that replacing an Apple phone screen is prohibitively expensive. This is not necessarily the case. The cost of replacement of the screen largely depends on the model of your iPhone and the extent of the damage. While it’s true that a replacement from Apple can be costly, third-party service providers often offer more affordable solutions. It’s important to do your research and choose a reliable service provider to ensure quality work.

Myth 2: Only Apple Can Replace Your Screen

Another widespread myth is that you have to go to the manufacturer for replacing the screen. This is not true. While Apple does provide repair services, there are also many reputable third-party repair shops that can handle replacements of the iPhone screen. These shops have trained technicians who can perform the job effectively.

 iPhone screen replacement

Myth 3: DIY Repair is a Good Idea

The DIY trend is big these days, and while it works for many things, replacing the Apple phone screen isn’t one of them. Some people believe they can save money by purchasing phone parts in NZ and doing the repair themselves. However, without the proper tools and knowledge, you can cause more harm than good to your device.

Myth 4: Data Loss is Inevitable During Screen Replacement

Many iPhone owners worry that their data will be wiped during the replacement process of the screen. This is a common myth that needs debunking. Most smartphone repairs, including screen replacement, are hardware-related, meaning your data is safe. However, it’s always wise to back up your data before any type of repair as a precautionary measure.

Myth 5: Genuine Apple Screens are Not Available to Third-Party Providers

This is another myth that often discourages iPhone users from seeking third-party repair services. The truth is, while Apple doesn’t sell its parts directly to third-party shops, many of these businesses have access to high-quality, compatible parts that work just as well as the originals.


Understanding the facts about iPhone screen replacement can save you unnecessary worries and expenses. It’s crucial to remember that while these myths may seem convincing, they’re not based on truth. When in doubt, it’s best to consult with a professional repair service to get accurate information and quality repair work.