Having long been a staple for barbecues, charcoal briquettes are a choice purchase for outdoor enthusiasts. But did you know they have a myriad of other uses? These little black bricks are more versatile than you might think. Let’s explore some creative and unexpected ways to utilize good-quality briquettes.

Odor Absorption and Air Purification

Charcoal can come to the rescue when foul odors are lingering. They possess excellent odor-absorbing properties and can purify the air in enclosed spaces. Place a few briquettes in your refrigerator, closets, or even your car to eliminate unpleasant smells and keep the air fresh.

Horticulture and Gardening

Crushed charcoal can work wonders for your plants. When mixed with soil, they act as a valuable soil amendment. Their porous nature helps improve drainage, preventing waterlogging, while simultaneously retaining moisture for the plants to thrive. Prime, top-shelf briquettes also provide essential nutrients, promoting healthy growth.

Art and Drawing

Get your creative juices flowing with repurposed BBQ briquettes as your artistic medium. These little black blocks make excellent drawing tools, allowing you to create expressive and dramatic sketches. Experiment with different pressures and strokes to achieve various textures and shades, and watch your drawings come to life.

Rust Prevention and Metal Care

Don’t let rust get the best of your metal tools and items. By placing briquettes in your toolboxes or storage spaces, you can prevent rust from forming. Charcoal has moisture-absorbing properties, keeping your precious tools dry and protected. Bid farewell to unsightly rust and extend the lifespan of your metal possessions.

Emergency Heating and Cooking

Briquettes can come to the rescue as an alternative heat source. When used in a safe and well-ventilated area, they provide warmth and can even be used for cooking in emergencies. Just remember to prioritize safety and proper ventilation when using briquettes indoors.

Pest Deterrent

Crushed briquettes can act as a natural barrier against unwanted pests in your garden. Create a protective ring of charcoal around your plants to deter slugs, snails, and other garden intruders. Enjoy a pest-free oasis while embracing the wonders of charcoal’s natural defense mechanisms.


Next time you reach for a bag of charcoal briquettes, think beyond the barbecue. These humble black bricks have the potential to serve you in numerous creative ways. So go ahead, explore these alternative uses, and unlock the full potential of your briquettes.